Fuchs Petrolub: First of them is Fuchs Petrolub. It's one of the solid companies in the German MDAX and it just reached a new 10-years high. The chart also looks like a clear outbreak to the upside during the last weeks. Sure, you might argue: why should I buy now at new highs. Counterquestion: why should the stock / company stop to perform, just because you buy a neglect-able amount of their stock?
Next one looking very interesting is in the silver / gold field. With Jackson Hole speeches of B52-Bernanke and the expectation that the bazooka will be used by EZB bankers to safe the EUR, gold and silver picked up during the last fortnight. There are several very solid companies, that show interesting charts with this background keeping in mind:
Silver Wheaton: This is one I hold for long times. Its not a producer, but a financier of producers. In return, it gets a stream of silver ounces at a fixed price. So when silver if gold on steroids (because it moves same direction, but faster), then Silver Wheaton is silver on steroids (or gold on steroids²). To me, it is a very solid managed company paying some, but fast rising dividends. And its easy to understand for any guys used to crunching numbers.
Both Silver Wheaton and AEM show little exposition to political risk, as they mainly operate (or finance) projects in political safe jurisdictions (North America, Europe).
Hope you consider investing in one of the three and even more so hope you make good profits.
This is no solicitation, offer or recommendation to buy or sell any of the stocks, securities or financial products mentioned. Not all possible risks of any investment in products mentioned above are covered here. Do your own financial due diligence. You invest on your own risk.
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