
IPM&CS Munich - Part II - The (Coin) Traders

Int. Precious Metals & Commodities Show Munich  -  PART II
Int. Edelmetall- & Rohstoffmesse München  - Teil 2

I got notice of the PM&CSM via    pro aurum    and, being a customer, they also sent me 2 free tickets for Friday.

Guess we had a pretty nice line-up of such companies: the magazine of the show lists  15+ precious-metal and coin traders, most of them German, some Swiss and Austrian. Maybe I did know 3 or 4 of those names so far and even some of the bigger booths were unknown to me. Sure those traders always make up for a nice show: shiny coins and bars behind glass, security here and there, sales guys and gals ...

I really did not notice the amount of trading going on on Friday. But obviously EUR where changed to 'real money', gold and silver, coins and bars, left and right. Did see a lot more of that on Saturday.  It is kind of strange, when you see a guy in T-shirts and washed-out jeans handing over a 500-EUR-note in  an overcrowded environment and receiving a stack of silver coins for it. And you can just take you camera out and film the whole transaction ... 
People coming to the booth and discussing the delivery of 10 coins, only 1 piece from each country ... this one they got. that one is sold-out ... all the discussions and hand-overs taking place in a semi-private environment.

Guess 95 % of the folks visiting the show are 'retail customers' - so the guy like you and me, private investors, putting some k EUR here and there.  I can really see, why it makes sense for the coin/retail traders to be on the show. They make some business there, but mainly they make their name known. Next time I want to buy some physical coins, I will check on alternatives to my broker. I am quite sure, it will not be worth-while to change, but at least I will check. 
And for the total new-comer to the world of buying gold and silver - guess these traders can attract some business.

So: who did well in presenting himself? (this is a very subjective view and me walking on thin ice)
Degussa - huge booth, shiny, guess 90 % of all visitors used a free bag from them to collect show papers and hand-outs
pro aurum - nice booth, but nothing compared to Degussa, on the plus side some key note speakers mentioning their support
And the rest of the field - with Münze Österreich (just put 10 girls into these stylish Maria-Theresia-costumes on the next show instead of one and you really make an impact), and ReiseBank (booth placed on a strategic location just exiting one of the presentation rooms and big enough to get attention, never heard of them before) leading.

... more to follow ...

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