
Nobel Laureate suggests Ponzi Scheme?

What would you think about this?

You are the US government.
You need money to pay for the obligations you have to fullfill.
You are the government of the most powerfull country of the world.

And still, some idiots (Senate and Congress) would impose limits on the debt you can raise.
Some other idiots (historical ones) passed idiotic rules (debt limits) that would not allow you to spend money without limitations.

By law, you are even not allowed to print money. Why not? What idiotic rule ... why not just print your way out of any cash limitations?

But - oh my boy - you got nobel laureate Paul Krugman on your side.

Why not - as you are not allowed to PRINT - why not MINT your way out of the debt problems? Why not 'produce' a ONE TRILLION PLATIN COIN? Out of thin air ... well almost out of thin air. You still would need an ounze of platin. And the production costs ... 2.000 USD? One Trillion with costs of 2.000? Why not only produce one of them? Why not ten?

Whom do you really think you can fool?

I strongly recommend that the nobel laureates should not be allowed to run Ponzi schemes!



1 comment:

  1. However, they should be awarded credits for creativity.
