
Most fun I had this week ...


I must admit, this is somewhat off topic. But I really enjoyed watching the 2012 NASCAR Sprint
Cup Daytona Coke Zero 400 this week (sorry for the advertisement, but i plan to buy some Coke shares).

If you want to get a grip on it, watch this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq_aK3fnPuM  (Part 1 of 4)
http://www.youtube.com/user/LuisAlbertoPerez2008 (Part 2 of 4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3elHAA1vPI (Part 3 of 4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzdGV8oLBtA (Part 4 of 4)

This is 3plus hours of racing action. No shortcuts. If you want to gain understanding, you have to sit through. You cannot grasp the feeling I got doing short-cuts.

And its about real life:
- long prelude, before the action starts
- excitement at the beginning, but routine sets in 
- fall back where it is safe, no need to be aggressive at the beginning
- fall back really fast to get to a lookout-positions, hey, you demonstrate confidence into yourself
- looks like nobody can get ahead to No 1? Really?
- you do not look on the guy ahead only, but the guys behind you and how fast they advance towards you, put pressure on you
- you wanna be on the outside lane to get ahead? or U wanna be the smart guy inside teaming up?
- dull phases, where the ones prepared best gain positions (17)
- are you risking to fall behind the pack and loose the (aero) draft?
- little action at all, but still you have to improve (14)
- key issue to be successful: communication - did you loose your radio?
- keep your powder try till the battle starts to rage (  )
- guys wanting to short-cut on their way up (18)
- sometime they get punished for that, sometimes not ... 
- bad luck you can do nothing against, being hit just in the middle of your dreams (24)
- the game not ending til it ends
- and in the end it might be bloody
- and pushing the pedal to the metal works out somewhat fine (24)
- and even if it looks like luck, quality proves true (14)

 This was hard for me, as I am a big fan of one of the numbers mentioned above - and it is not the winning one. Still, when you think about driving one of those cars, how can you not be .... up and above.

- the world crumbling in front of you, smoke all about, no way to go, just a white, invisible wall in front of you - you ever felt like that? Stay on your course, head straight on, accelerate, ... and maybe U R fine
- something hits you from the back? no idea where it come from?    -   Shit!   -   Still look forward, maybe on the next big event you will come out heads up.
- DNF (did not finish): U will not be talked about with that result. So stay alive and enjoy your life.
- U look tired at the end of the day? U did not finish 1st? Only .... 12th???? 12th can feel quite good - define your goals yourself!

Guess I cannot talk you into liking it .... Just give it a try!

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