
Wirtschaftswoche "Große Ökonomen und ihre Ideen"

In the last months of 2011 the German Wirtschaftswoche released a series of articles on important economists and their ideas. This is a great starting point for readers with some background in economics, eg. folks like me who had some lessons decades ago but are not really involved in the topic day by day. Even without any background the material provides valuable insight on different views on our economic system.

I actually think the series was not planned to be 12 articles long. The weekly magazine got impressive positive feedback from readers and I believe this is the reason for more articles than originally intended. I recommend to start with the article on Adam Smith. This was the last article originally, but it is the best starting point in logical order. Being the last article you can also find links to the other eleven there (bottom left). I suggest the following order:

Smith - Ricardo - Marx - Schumpeter
Keynes - von Hayek - Friedmann - Samuelson
Solow - Eucken - Selten - Schiller

Happy Reading (and maybe you want to print a pdf version of those for later reference as long as they are available for free; wiwo online-shop already sells them for EUR 4.50 each)!

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